$1,000 per 7on7 team. We do offer a small discount if you have multiple teams or attend multiple events.
All Tournament fees are paid via online registration
Your registration fee only covers the cost of entry per team. Nothing else is included.
In our bigger tournaments (i.e. Mesquite, Orlando) you can register as many as you want. In our smaller events, 32 teams and under if registration allows, we limit to 2 teams per division.
Game guarantees can vary from tournament to tournament. Most tournaments are a guaranteed 4 games (3 pool play and 1 single-elimination), but some are 3-games guaranteed (2 pool play and 1 single-elimination).
Typically, 2 days (Saturday and Sunday). In some cases, we hold 1-day tournaments with the same number of games guaranteed.
5. A head coach, 2 offensive, and 2 defensive coaches. Each team receive 3 coach’s wristbands at no cost. Any amount over 3 is required to pay the weekend fee, but still receives their coach’s credentials. Team managers and personal photographers/videographers are required to pay the weekend rate as well.
24 maximum players.
No. Player must be in the 11th grade or lower. NO SENIORS.
YES! Fighting and cheating will possibly get you disqualified and removed from the event with no refund!
We DO NOT offer refunds on tournaments. We do however allow your registration to be transferred to another event in the same tournament season. All sales are FINAL!
7 days prior to the event ONLY IF the tournament is not sold out.
All athletes must go through age verification on SportsThread.
YES!! Soft-shell helmets and mouthguards must be worn by all with the exception of the quarterback.
YES! Fighting and cheating will possibly get you disqualified and removed from the event.
Yes. Payers can double-roster at the same tournament ONLY IF they are in 2 different divisions. Example, a player cannot be on the roster of 2 teams in the high school division, but they can be on the roster of a 15u/Freshman team and a high school team.
The cost of each event can vary. Most tournaments are $28.02 per Weekend Pass. We no longer offer day spectator rates. Entrance fees are QR CODE ONLY and NON-REFUNDABLE!